PPI Discussion Forum

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Julie Peachey's picture
Julie Peachey
• Innovations for Poverty Action
• United States
• 06/13/17
• 1 Comment

More and more organizations are collecting PPI (and other) data via methods other than the traditional visit to a client at their home.  We'd like to know - what have you tried, what challenges have you had, and what is working?  


mattripley2's picture
Matt Ripley
• Impact Programme
• UK
• 04/13/17
• 1 Comment

Hi all,

A question from the DFID Impact Programme, which is working in the impact investing space. 

We've used the PPI to do research for some portfolio companies in Africa. While PPI is super cost-effective and yields insights which have both social (poverty rates) as well as business value (market segmentaiton by income level), we do have a concern about the personal nature of some of the questions. Would be interested to see if anyone else has encountered the same issues...or have good ways to deal with them.

Julie Peachey's picture
Julie Peachey
• Innovations for Poverty Action
• United States
• 04/04/17
• 1 Comment

Hi All PPI users  - We are creating a list of randomized controlled trials that have included PPI.  If your organization has used PPI in an RCT, please let us know about it via a comment to this post or by emailing us at ppi@poverty-action.org.  Thanks!

annarosemiller's picture
Anna Rose Miller
• The MasterCard Foundation
• Canada
• 03/28/17

Some of our partners using PPI have inquired as to whether there are additional translations of the tool available. Specifically requested were translations into Wolof and Malagasy. It seems as if some translations of the tool are floating around- has anyone encountered any of the translations that have been done by organizations other than IPA? It would be very useful to have some sense of what PPI translations other organizations have undertaken, what the translation process was, and if any validation of the translated tool has been done. 

calum74's picture
Calum Scott
• Opportunity International Australia
• Australia
• 03/23/17

Hi all. I’m the Global Impact Director for Opportunity International and lead Opportunity’s global Social Performance Management (SPM) program.  http://spm.opportunity.org/ Opportunity is an Institutional Support Partner of the PPI Alliance and we have promoted use of the PPI among our partners and other stakeholders for a number of years.


I’d be very interested to hear how other networks and FSPs have used data from individual PPI indicators:

Julie Peachey's picture
Julie Peachey
• Innovations for Poverty Action
• United States
• 03/16/17

Hi!  Welcome to the PPI Discussion Forum!  We hope you will take advantage of this to get to know other PPI users, see how they are benefiting from use of the tool, share experiences, challenges, and lessons learned!  Sharada Ramanathan and I will be actively moderating and contributing to this Forum, backed up by the fabulous Communications team at IPA.

Sharada Ramanathan's picture
Sharada Ramanathan
• Innovations for Poverty Action
• Singapore
• 03/14/17

To ensure that the PPI remains available as a public good, we have moved to a new business model to ensure long-term sustainability and effective governance. The PPI is now governed by the PPI Alliance, a consortium of users who rely on the PPI, fund its core operations and are committed to its future development. You can read more about the PPI Alliance here - http://www.progressoutofpoverty.org/ppi-alliance
