The latest version of the PPI for India was created in November 2023 by Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA). Indicators in this PPI are based on data from the Consumer Pyramids Household Survey (CPHS), produced by the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy Pvt. Ltd.
Because of the size and internal demographics of India, we provide a national-level PPI for the country, as well as six sub-regional PPIs (zones) clustering several states together. For better accuracy, we recommend using the sub-regional PPI scorecards according to the state where the survey will be applied.
The India PPI is based on IPA's new methodology, as are all PPIs released after July 2017. See our FAQs for more information on the main differences between our new PPIs and the older PPI versions, and other commonly asked questions about the transition to the new PPI methodology.

PPI Scorecard and Lookup Table

PPI Design Documentation