Poverty Line
Innocent Takaedza
• World Vision
• Zimbabwe
• 10/02/23
• 1 Comment
Dear Forum members. Apologies if my question has been discussed before. How regularly are the PPIs for the different countries updated? Especially, the analysis tool. I am asking this in relation to the updated international extreme poverty line which now stands at $2.15 per day. Is this reflected in the analysis tools?
1 Comment

David Rodriguez says (10/02/2023):
We are currently under the process of updating the scorecards to reflect the new 2017 poverty lines. The most recent PPIs (those published this year) all contain the 2017 and 2011 lines. We have no specific timeline for updating the older scorecards, but we are aiming to update as many as possible in the next months.
For more information regarding the new poverty lines and the PPI, please consult our blog entry: https://www.povertyindex.org/blog/how-do-updated-international-poverty-lines-affect-poverty-measurement
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