PPI update and challenges in using old PPIs
Hi PPI users and managers,
As you might know, the World Bank has recently updated the poverty rate figures for a range of developing countries. The new figures are generally based on 2015/16 data while the previous figures were based on 2010/11 data. Currently the PPIs are based on the 2010/11 survey waves, so my first question for the PPI managers is when could users expect updated PPIs to be published on the website?
As I'm designing surveys for projects' M&E in Ethiopia and Malawi, I am also wondering what the impact is of using in 2018 a PPI questionnaire developed to estimate likelihood of poverty in 2011. To what extent are these estimates relevant and appropriate to assess present-time poverty likelihood? My guess is that as the characteristics of poor households change overtime, so will good proxies of poverty, but I'm not quite sure what the impact might be.
To give an example of where some comparability issues may arise, take the following question from the Ethiopia PPI:
Does the household currently own any radios/radio-and-tape players/tape players?
Assuming that between 2011 and 2018 the prices of electronics dropped, owning one of these items in 2018 might not be as good a predictor of non-poverty than it was in 2011.
I would welcome any inputs about this and I'm particularly looking forward to check my understanding of PPI!
NB - the PPIs for ETH and MLW are still officially called Simple Poverty Scorecards.

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