Sharlene Brown and Jeff Toohig from the Social Performance Management Center at Grameen Foundation are currently in Senegal for a PPI training with Catholic Relief Services partners.
With the temperature in the high 80s, we trek to the homes of clients to apply the PPI in Thies, Senegal with loan officers from Caurie, a local MFI. This is the third day of our training which has twelve participants including members of four MFIs, two independent consultants, and staff members of CRS and APSFD Senegal – the national network - who have taken the lead in organizing this training of trainers and are providing assistance with translation.
So far, all is going well and as Boubacar, our friend from CRS likes to say, “We’re on the same page in the same book.” We all understand the importance of knowing the percentage of clients being served that are below the poverty line and recognize that it is key to be able to track clients’ progress over time. The PPI is recognized as an objective poverty assessment tool that empowers poverty-focused institutions to make such evaluations.
To download the Senegal PPI visit www.progressoutofpoverty.org/country/senegal
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